Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Fog lifted

About a year or so ago I was introduced to understanding how to live "Torah observant". This meaning as a Christian, we are meant to live according to the Law (or instruction) as pointed out by God in the "old testament". At first, I was interested in learning of this mindset-then as I began to study I found that this is NOTHING NEW! Matter of fact, it's how Jesus lived, it's how the disciples who walked with Him were trained, how they were told to go forth, and how the immediate believers in the Messiah also lived. So, seemed like there was no question.

And there's not, in my mind.

The only question which has come to mind are
1) How did I not figure this out (my answer to myself is I wasn't studying the Bible as I should have been, or I probably would have noted certain things)

Other than that, there's just pure joy and enlightenment. I don't mean the kind when you read a verse and although it's been in front of you a hundred times, it suddenly speaks, it's the kind of enlightenment where I have found that IT ALL makes sense (pretty much). This is because until now I was reading it through the wrong mentality. We today can thank history to where we have arrived, but of course I believe we have no excuse to not move in the right direction.

What I've noticed, also, is it's not too hard. Aside from remembering this and that which comes with learning anything-I don't feel overwhelmed or completely bogged down by trying to figure things out. There's nothing to figure out....less to interpret or try to fit into my understanding. This is not because I'm some brain or deep thinker, rather...because I believe this is just how it's meant to be and when we are told the yolk is is.

Lastly, I have a theory that perhaps the reason why the "church" has become so broken, so confused, constantly trying to find "it" is because the "church" is not going to find contentment until it comes BACK to the way God set things up. And that's pretty clear when you read how the Israelites wondered....and wondered...and wondered. We aren't, I believe, meant to "fit" into society, we aren't meant to try to find the latest, greatest slogan, time to worship, way to worship, hair cut, clothing style....and everything else. The church has spent too much time trying to fit the secular into the faith and has forgotten we are meant to be set apart. I believe also, perhaps, if we were to go back to the way set out for us we wouldn't have the struggles we do within ourselves. Again, the parallel between the Israelites and us is amazing. When we aren't following in God's plan, we are going to be wondering.

There are many, many verses, examples, etc. which can (and probably should be) quoted. But the one and best example I feel necessary is the fact that it was good enough for our Savior. He followed the ways of the Torah....and therefore seems if I'm meant to try to be like him, I should live as He did, or at least as He taught us to (since I am not perfect and never will be)

I am still learning about this, but I'm just in awe at how much it all fits. We are said to be grafted in the vine...and like in any scenario where one is coming into a a different culture there is much to be learned, but when you are with family-it's all good.

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