Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A whole new world

I have discovered there is absolutely no way to prepare for having a child. Or, at least, not with a bunch of other crap going on. I thought I was more than ready to get back to work (don't get me wrong, I'm sooo happy), however, not having a clue that life was about to beat the crap out of me I just happily skipped back into the real world. In hindsight I should have been putting myself (and Ezzah) on some sort of schedule, cause we are both looking around like WTF!?

Ezzah spends all day at daycare, which she seems to LOVE. The people seem to really enjoy her, and are totally in awe that a 6 month old simply power naps through the day (20/30 min naps...2/3 times a day). She's definitely a handful in that regard, because once up....she's not one to spend a lot of time self-entertained.

I pick her up in the afternoon/evening, and I feel so guilty that I want only to hang out with her and spend some time. This leaves EVERYTHING else to wait....and then by the time she goes to bed (8), I am also exhausted. Don't get me wrong, I'm not whining point...I was NO WAY prepared for this...and I'm incredibly disorganized at these days.

Ezzah is a doll, and I love watching her everyday. Her expressions, her newness of exploration, and her ability to demand of me what no one else could ever possibly......full attention. I'm going to need an illegal worker to keep everything in order if this continues!

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