Friday, August 24, 2007


While thinking of a particular idea in the Bible, it brought me to wish to be better understanding of the idea behind the idea. I have heard a sermon on "being hot or cold....or lukewarm" many many times. To my knowledge (or to my memory), I don't recall what hot...cold....and lukewarm actually imply. And, is hot and cold both versions of Christianity, and you can get into heaven being one or the is just the lukewarm that aren't allowed? Perhaps I have my understanding of this verse wrong (or I should say my misunderstanding). I have a lot of thoughts and wonders about judgement, because I know it's final....and in all honesty it scares the stuffing out of me.....but I lack understanding of what is exactly to be heaven bound. Perhaps because what Jesus says, and then what is in Revelation varies in my mind...I mean, it doesn't seem so cut and dry. I have been told, simply believing is simply enough.....and yet what does that mean really.

Is lukewarm believing, but still adhereing to the "world", and when I say that I mean in the small things-what I watch on TV, read, listen to in music, etc. etc. Can I say I believe and be entertained by non-God praising means. If things that are of God good, adn things that are not bad, then that reasoning leads me to believe that many things I think are surely okay...perhaps aren't, it's my culture that has taught me that they are. I have had similar thoughts to this before and I'm told that God would not have us live so "rigid", but is it really rigid to God....or is it Godly......and perhaps there's a hot and a cold in all that, and they are both good what is lukewarm.

I am not for most things our society lives by, but I see there is no real way to escape what we as humans have done. From health to lifestyles, it's difficult to live according to what seems to be the right way, unless one converts to be Amish (which.....I don't see on some level to be so bad quite frankly)

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