Thursday, August 16, 2007


How do you accurately swear without writting it out plainly? I would surely have no issues writting just how I am feeling at the moment, however, I would severly offend those I am closest to. Therefore, please take my status that I am INCREDIBLY PISSED at the moment.

I get this letter today from the National Visa Processing Center, in said letter is the good news...time to send Usama's application to New Hampshire. I was able (miraculously) to get through to a customer service agent about a month ago, and they told me we could follow the online instructions to be prepared. Usama could send me the required documents and that way we could send them straight in I got the above mentioned letter. So we did. Being the control freak that I am, I read, re-read, and re-read again everything on the website to make sure what we needed to get. And, he sent it. I've had everything ready, anxiously awaiting todays letter.

And then I open it. There is a supplement form-DATED AUG 1992- that says that if the applicant is married he/she must have a passport that reflects marital status. I should mention, the website does state he needs to send a copy of a specific page from his passport....but nothing about what needs to be on it. Naturally, I AM PISSED!!! Why, because this has now pushed us back AT LEAST a month, and that is if he can rush over to the office where one gets a passport and get one (as if he has a money tree growing on the terrace). WHAT THE *&%#! Had this piece of information been relayed, we could have at least gotten his passport by now and he could have sent in the right form.

All the talk of immigration reform.....I'm not really sure what these politicians are actually talking about....aside from a bunch of bull, because they sure aren't going to reform the system where it makes any sense (I have a list of obsurdatices), and they sure aren't going to reform it for those that are actually trying to do it right. How friggin hard is it to simply update a damn website??? How hard is it for the c.s agent to give that little bit of information? What the hell are they doing if they can't accurately answer a question....WHEN YOU CAN GET THROUGH!! I'm moving to Dubai.....or Canada....or Montana.

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