Thursday, August 16, 2007

In the real world

Okay, so my last post was all about how I am realizing just how much of a jerk I am, right? And how I'm prayerfully trying to work out of that. Wouldn't you know it, I go to work yesterday and meet perhaps the STUPIDEST people on the face of the planet. I have some tips for society;

1)Don't go into a coffee shop, stare at the price board for 4/5 min, order three drinks and then complain when the price is over 10$. Yeah, you're an idiot for spending so much on beverages! Either you can't add and you were generally shocked, or you just want what you want and then want to complain when you have to pay for it........that's capitalism baby!

2)Dont' order a frappacino and then say "oh, I'd better not" to the whipped cream...ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? That whipped cream is NOTHING compared to the crap you're digesting in that damn if we're talking about a slim fast shake here....idiot

3)Don't complain to me about the prices. Have you never ordered a latte' anywhere else, do you not know that espresso drinks are liquid gold you are drinking? Also, do you really think I'd be making your damn drink if I was in a position to control pricing NO, my fat ass would be sitting in some leather chair behind some huge desk playing online golf if I had that sort of control. Leave a note, I'll be sure to pass it on to the master.

And finally-here's what just made me realize I am no where near where I was hoping I was (I guess realizing your faults does not mean you've managed to improve on them). This guy came in and wanted to use one of the computers (I should add, we are a college cafe', and there is a "bar" of 4 computers for people to come in and get online). He stands in front of one of them and asks if anyone was sitting there, I said no.....he says okay. I am afraid the last guy left some porn page up on the screen so I glance over to the screen and it's email. So I tell the guy he can just close it up. The next thing I notice, he's going through the emails!!!!!! Okay, so he's just some jerk, right.....well, he comes to the counter about an hour later (I am pretty sure he went to other sites through this hour, leaving the person's email elsewhere) and notices my book by C.S. Lewis. I dont' have it out for anyone to notice, I was just reading it when he came up and I put it down. He starts discussing with me these other Christian books of Lewis' he's read. I want to tell him he's a big fat jerk for reading other people's email and then talking to me about Christian philosophy, till it dawns on me, telling someone off and then talking Christian philosophy is probably along the same lines of integrity.

Point-I am a jerk..........and I measure up to a jerk who would sit and read someone else's emails....

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