Friday, August 31, 2007

Caution, adult content below......

I'm serious, I will be adressing conception in this note, so for the shy, you may wish to wait the next entry. Nothing explicit really, just philosophy.

I was reading "The Abolition of Man" by C.S.Lewis the other day, still working through it as I don't spend a lot of time reading these days, and he was discussing the effect (affect?) of the institution of contraceptives. He spends several sentances throughout the book thus far touching on this, and since they were being used more often and more publicly for the first time during this time frame it's understandable. One thing he mentions though, is that by the use of such items, we are basically controlling the population of the earth. This suprises me of him. Not to say I'm a scholor of all things C.S. Lewis, however, someone of other thoughts I've read of his suprise me to think he would lend something like population of the earth in the hands of us humans.

Perhaps I'm on the side of the ever so famous Monty Python song that talks of the catholic familiy who will not use any sort of contraceptive. (which I will not quote, but many are familiar with, if "The Meaning of Life") Now, I can talk big, right, because my husband is on another continent and I'm a faithful wife. HOWEVER, I also had a kid when I SOOOOO was not wanting one (so, I'm not quite a hypocrit). My point, is that if throughout the Bible, and many times in some of the most elequently written Psalms, God is the maker of our days. He knew us before we were formed in the unknown. All our steps are ordained by him. I'm not going to go intoa pre-destination rant, because that makes my head hurt....but in the realm of life.....birth....doesn't it lend to the idea that it is God rather than man that is in charge of population growth? I've struggled with my own decisions on birth control, obviously should have gotten my theory down BEFORE getting married, but oh well...she's fun. And, yeah, I'm kind of scared of the possibility of having more children....okay REALLY scared......but I'm not sure it's up to me, anymore than Ezzah was. Perhaps if I stayed married, and stayed 3,000miles apart from my husband I wouldn't have anything to fear, but that's a little extreme.

I have really no actual point here, I guess, except to say that it suprises me C.S.Lewis of all people would think we have some sort of hold over the next generation because we can choose to create LESS of a population. I could be missing something he has said at a later time, of course....but for now, that's where I am. And, I have to say, I don't agree with him, which says absolutely nothing really, because I can't even pretend to be able to stand on the same level as him philosophically.

*spell check isn't working on here for me, so now you know what a complete moron I am and can't spell worth anything!

1 comment:

Irrational said...

This kind of goes back to our discussion of voting. God makes happen what He wants to happen. I believe every baby that is conceived even when their parents are using birth control is conceived because God ordained it. I guess that means I don't have that much faith in birth control...hmm....more to think about now.