Thursday, September 13, 2007

What really matters

I read the blogs of my friends in the ministry, and while they don't devote every waking hour to their work-they are doing exactly what we were instructed by Jesus to do with our lives. Do I think you have to be "in the ministry" to obey Jesus...oh no, but I think this culture gives to that frame of mind.

First, EVERYTHING is a ministry. I realize it's semantics, but what has been meant for attempting to explain something, has turned into an excuse not to do something. What I mean is....Christians forget that feeding the poor, helping their neighbor, visiting people in the hospital.....these aren't segregated in the Bible. These weren't a list of things we COULD do....they were within the list of things we are SUPPOSED to do. Yet, so many people don't do something because it's not part of "their ministry", or, they don't think they can do something to help someone because they aren't part of a specific ministry. We assume that since there's a ministry for this or that we can just sort of stay out of it. Or, we put our time into this ministry or that ministry and we think it's all good.

I realize I sound awfully judgmental, and it's actually not the people I am judging, it's just looking at what words and terms have done to our society.

The basic instruction: Love one another. This doesn't mean we put in our time on Tuesdays from 7-9, or perhaps we have our number listed for the single mothers prayer means we questions, no requirements, no qualifications. You don't have to be a single mother to love a single mother. You don't have to have committed a crime to love a criminal. Every Christian can relate to anyone, on one simple fundamental-we've all been at a place when we needed God's grace, and that's the starting point with anyone.

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