Monday, September 17, 2007

Stranger than stupid!

Okay, I just watched "Stranger Than Fiction". For two reasons only....I love Emma Thompson, and I was told there's a Bollywood movie with a similar plot.

While, I'm not Lit know-it-all. Quite frankly, I'm a Lit, know nothing. I read books I like, I like them for various reasons, but from an analytical point of view I don't generally expect or respect many of the characteristics of "good literature". Which, may or may not matter to why I hated this movie, except, the plot is essentially centered on this wonderful piece of lit that Emma Thompson's character is writing. For those that haven't seen the movie, I won't waste time going into it.

Despite the fact that the movie was just.......stupid......when Will Ferrell's character finds the author and finds out he's going to have to die and he finds out from this lit guru that Will must face this...the answer is basically 'the book will suck otherwise'. THAT'S THE REASON THIS GUY NEEDS TO DIE??? Okay, the point that "we all go sometime" is mentioned, but the swaying of the pendulum is a good book. WTF!!! Sorry, but that's just the most ridiculous thing I've seen in a very long time, and as mentioned I like Bollywood movies, and they put out a lot of silly stuff. I'm sure glad I was usuing my free trial of Netflix for this! Stupid movie.

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