Sunday, September 30, 2007

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It's interesting to find where you are now....and compared to where you used to be when it comes to one's ideologies...about anything really. I will comment specifically on growing spiritually, however, and this may shock some people.

I've come to the conclusion (and it's about time probably) that nothing matters. I don't mean that in a "just kill me now" mentality. I mean that in the sense that I look around me and feel like we are WAY off as a society...but it doesn't surprise me, because I believe it all stems from the garden on eden when Even thought she needed to know it all. We live in a society that feels it needs to know and understand EVERYTHING. Even if we don't care to understand it, we think we need to weigh in with our opinion. We have 24 hour "news" channels that not only keep us up to date on what is going on with OUR involvement in Iraq, but also with what is going on with OJ Simpson, Brittany Spears, and what food the airline will be serving this Christmas. We have gossip channels, food channels, court tv name a few. There's no lack of some sort of information out there. But it's not the secular I am concerned with...because they don't follow the same rules and understandings the Christians do. It is, therefore, the church getting as involved that concerns me. I've mentioned this to some respect in previous posts and therefore will attempt to not repeat myself.

The latest in my searching is understanding other faiths and lifestyles. Christians (scholars and laymen) write books, give speeches, hold training seminars and all but create churches based on their expertise of a religion or lifestyle of others. Now, I am also guilty of this having spent years studying Islam and creating a certain knowledge base of other non-Christian ways of life. Now, let me say, for those that are training to be, or training others to be, ministers/missionaries it is understandable to a degree to know how to respect a culture. However, I am not really speaking of those. I am speaking about the average joe...who listens to the radio guy, or watches the TV guy claim to know the ends and outs of this or that.

It is not the seeking of knowledge that I am most against quite frankly. It is the appearance that we 1. put ALL into such knowledge when it comes to dealing with someone of said lifestyle or religion. 2. Many times it is people OUTSIDE of such religion or lifestyle who are the "experts" and therefore I find many things contradicting...or just plain pointless. Example-there are SOOO MANY said experts on Islam (who are Christians)....and some will tell you Jihad means this...Jihad means that...this is why they say this...etc. etc. (you get me)...yet, really IT DOESN'T MATTER. It doesn't matter what Jihad means, because it's not going change how the Muslim is to be treated by us. It doesn't change the fact that the Muslim has not accepted Jesus as the Messiah and therefore his/her personal savior. It means nothing, really. It doesn't matter WHY someone had an abortion....simply that they are in need of grace, and therefore deserve our love and compassion. Would someone deserve less grace or love if they had an abortion because they were scared rather than selfish....think about it from spiritual terms.

If we concentrate on learning to love one another and learning all the fruits of such love.....knowledge or none of a certain religion or lifestyle will have no affect (effect?) Rather, we will come to understand what the Bible says anyway....we are either going to be planting a seed, watering a seed, or harvesting....but NEVER are we the life to that seed. We are simply the farmer.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Amen, preach it girl! Hehehe.